Dearest Reader,
Every since my sophomore year of high school I have been an avid Gossip Girl fan... I remember the day that I received the first book from a girlfriend- she told me that I reminded her of the character "Blair" and that I must read the series. Well, let's just say that I developed a major obsession with the characters, the drama and the constant name dropping of labels. My obsession has continued through the television series... especially of my favorite character. Blair has the kind of style a girl could only dream of- with a collection of designer shoes, a plethora of dresses and skirts and not to mention the ever present headband. Which leads me to the reason behind this post.......headbands.
My God, I can't live without them! Over dramatic much? There is something so appealing about a gigantic bow strategically placed amongst a head of perfect curls. Not to mention feathers, flowers, even fantastic's basically a modern day tiara for all the queen bees.
Want Blair's style? Well, for a pretty penny you can look exactly like her (her hair at least.) All Blair's headbands are made by Jennifer Behr....check her out.
Keep it classy kids.
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